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THE SECRET LIFE OF RILEY K - A Mental Health Presentation
Published on Mar 23, 2018 16:38

The school has booked a presentation entitled "The Secret Life of Riley K" for Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 at 1:00PM. This program was made possible with the assistance of Ontario Trillium Foundation along with guidance from a team of mental health specialists.

 Secret Life of Riley K focuses on anxiety. Twelve year old Riley K is a clever, ambitious girl who strives for a perfect life.  But the prospect of giving a big speech leads to a perfect mess!  She is surprised to learn that her sick stomach was not the flu, but anxiety.  Riley discovers she isn’t alone with these challenges and that help is nearby!


We are looking forward to the presentation on Tuesday, and we thank our Catholic School Community Council for funding this presentation for our students in grades four to six.